O novo Ashram minimalista

terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

O nosso darwinismo íntimo: o problema das «adaptive preferences»

They interviewed twenty-nine individuals with quadriplegia or paraplegia, twenty-two lottery winners, and twenty-two controls, and they asked the interviewees to rate their general happiness and their current experience of mundane everyday pleasures. Although "lottery winners rated winning the lottery as a highly positive event, and paraplegics rated their accident as a highly negative event," the lottery winners were nonetheless less happy, and the accident victims happier, than the researchers had anticipated. In particular, lottery winners and controls "were not significantly different" in their self-reported happiness ratings; and although accident victims did report that they "experienc[ed] their present as less happy than controls," their happiness rating was "still above the midpoint of the scale," and they "did not appear nearly as unhappy as might have been expected."

(Bagenstos, Samuel R. & Margo Schlanger (2007), "Hedonic Damages, Hedonic Adaptation, and Disability", Vanderbilt Law Review, 60, 761, citando Brickman, Philip, Dan Coates & Ronnie Janoff-Bulman (1978), "Lottery Winners and Accident Victims: Is Happiness Relative?", Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 36, 917ss.)

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