O novo Ashram minimalista

quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2007

A Ciencia da Felicidade sem mestre, em cinco (ou seis?) licoes

A propósito de um inspirado (e irónico) texto sobre Happiness Science, transcrito em Je_Maintiendrai, aqui vai uma síntese do «estado da arte», com algumas passagens da recensão de Bob Frank ao trabalho dos helvéticos Frey e Stutzer (mas que sabem os suiços sobre o que é felicidade?): Robert H. Frank (2003), Constitutional Political Economy, 14, 253–258.
- Diener, E., Sandvik, E., Seidlitz, L., and Diener, M. (1993) ‘‘The Relationship Between Income and Subjective Well-Being: Relative or Absolute?’’ Social Indicators Research 28: 195–223.
- Easterlin, R. (1974) ‘‘Does Economic Growth Improve the Human Lot?’’ In: David, P., and Reder, M. (eds.) Nations and Households in Economic Growth: Essays in Honor of Moses Abramovitz. New York: Academic Press.
- Easterlin, R. (1995) ‘‘Will Raising the Incomes of All Increase the Happiness of All?’’ Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 27: 35–47.
- Frey, B., and Stutzer, A. (2002) ‘‘What Can Economists Learn from Happiness Research?’’ Journal of Economic Literature 40: 402– 35.
- Frey, B., and Stutzer, A. (2002b), Happiness and Economics: How the Economy and Institutions Affect Human Well-Being. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press

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